Introducing Thnk Advisory
We’re excited to introduce Thnk Advisory (pronounced “Think”)
Friday the 16th of November 2018 marked an exciting beginning for our Thnk team. Formerly SJN Chartered Accountants, we began to operate as Thnk Advisory. It’s been an interesting journey and we’d like to share the story so far…
In late 2017 we began to work with Atomix web designers to update our website and to create a more interactive platform for site users. Through this process, we began to reflect on the natural evolution of the business during recent years. We also considered where we wanted to steer the business into the future, how we could better support our clients and what services our clients would receive the greatest benefit from. We quickly began to realise that our name and brand no longer reflected the business we have become today.
As a result, we pressed pause on the website development and engaged the branding experts at Black Squid Design. Black Squid worked with us and helped to accurately tell the story through our name and brand of who we are and how we assist our clients. We went through a rigorous creative process lead by Black Squid from the selection of business name, to colour palettes through to imagery and brand “look & feel”.
We were then in a position to continue developing our new website with Atomix given we had selected our branding. At this point, we were stepped through a further process of identifying brand archetypes that reflect who we are and our role for the purpose of refining our website content. We found this a thoroughly engaging process and resulted in the identification of three archetypes, which, in combination, define our business:
The Innovator, The Guardian and The Sage…
The Innovator: thrives on change and would rather ask “why not?” than “why?”. The innovator is willing to experiment and is known as an opportunity hunter. With head in the clouds and feet on the ground, the innovator is characterised by rigorous research, will power and imagination. The innovator is a trend spotter, able to smell high-potential concepts a mile away;
The Guardian: finds identity and fulfillment by defending, protecting or caring for others. This archetype is the keeper of traditions, legacy and values. Seeking to offer a firm hand to strategically guide and form a path toward the greater good, the guardian is a bottomless well of compassion for the bitter-sweetness of life. Powerful and self-sacrificing, the guardian is a multifaceted manager, offering safety, respecting privacy and promoting accountability and liability in service to protecting others from harm;
The Sage: is motivated by independence, cognitive fulfillment and truth. This archetype has a foundational identity attachment to the belief that thinking is what defines the human experience. The sage responds well to expert opinion but is inherently a pragmatic sceptic. Possessing a high need for autonomy, the sage values learning for its own sake because it allows for detachment from the masses and the capacity to remain objective.
We’re excited and proud of our new name Thnk Advisory and love the look and feel of the new branding which supports it. Although our name and brand have changed, our commitment to outcome-based solutions, continual pursuit of improvement and the delivery of exceptional service will continue to be at the forefront of what we do.